Saturday, January 8, 2011

'Out' on a budget

At 21, we were "officially" adults as we were nearing completion of uni studies. At 25, we were now "officially" adults because were had been working a couple of years and had commenced overseas adventures. But at 30, we are officially, "officially" adults because we have been working for several years, are broke from too many overseas adventures and for some, have recommenced studies. So, if your new year's resolutions is the same as mine - save money to enable a lifestyle that encompasses the best of both worlds (ie a mortgage AND overseas trips) plus you want to be "out and about" to look at hot guys, then you need to have a strategy.

The strategy I have implemented so far in 2011 is to eat dinner BEFORE you go out. That's $20. Take your own car to force yourself to drink lightly and avoid a taxi fare. Or better yet, invite your pregnant friend out because she is a guaranteed designated driver OR a friend who is still hungover from the night before and has sworn off drinking again for the rest of the year. That's another $20. Have one drink and drink it very slowly. By the time you have finished consuming your drink, your buddies are well on their way to being intoxicated and offer to buy you a drink (so they don't look like the drunk ones). That's another $9 (or if you are lucky) $15. But being out and about, you are bound to get a little peckish. Don't worry, your drunk friends have just purchased their dinner and they offer you some. Sweet, that's another $10.

Tonight, I have just saved $70 and that would make a lovely night on an island in Mykanos now, wouldn't it?!

Thanks guys for a fun night at the Honeysuckle Hotel last Friday!


  1. Glad I could help. Hope you enjoyed the oysters and bread. I'm wise to your plans now though... :-)

  2. So, considering the oysters, one can add an extra $20 don't you think?

    But what a great segway to a discussion of the food on offer at the Honeysuckle Hotel. I haven't heard too many good reports about the food there. I think because the place has been decked out so well, the expectation is there for the menu to be just as sophisticated. It is a pub afterall, so if you are happy with that, then go for it.

    For light snacks on the other hand, I must say that the thin slice of cheesey bread, you so generously offered me Andrew, was quite delightful. And even though size doesn't matter, the oysters were so big and meaty I had to eat it in stages - Kilpatrick first, oyster second.
